Understanding The Assignment Operators In Python

Assignment Operators in Python

While learning any Programming Language, the basics should be clear to you. This fits well with the Python programming language. The concept of Assignment Operators will be the best to start. That is why learning “Assignment Operators In Python” is necessary.

Among many other beginner concepts in Python Language, the Operators get more concentration because this will frame the future path in your career. So, if you are going to start learning Python, you should focus more on Python Assignment Operators.

This article will discuss the basics of Python Assignment Operators. Also, we will perform operations with Python Assignment Operators for clear understanding. So, let’s start this interesting journey.

If you encounter any challenges in grasping these operators, donโ€™t hesitate to seek Python help from the experts at CodingZap.

Summary or Key Highlights:

  • Operator is a Mathematical Operations with two variables or Oparends & one Operator.

  • There are many Operators in Python like Assignment Operators, Bitwise Operators, Logical Operations, etc.

  • The key task of the Python Assignment Operators is to assign values to the variables.

  • To assign values with Python Assignment Operators, you need to know the relationship between Operators and Operands.

  • Python Assignment Operators can be created with other operators in Python.

What Are Assignment Operators In Python? Read Below

The operator is a simple Mathematical Expression where Two Operands & One Operator are used to make one complete expression. The Operator is placed in the middle & there are Left-Side Operand and Right-Side Operand.

In the expression โ€œa+bโ€,ย  โ€œ+โ€ is the operator, and โ€œaโ€ and โ€œbโ€ are the operands.ย Assignment operators are a fundamental concept in Python and most programming languages. They are used to assign values to variables, as well as initialize and update them.

For the Coding Language, sometimes the Right-Side Operand can be a value as well. The main role of the Basic Assignment Operator is to assign values to the Left Operand from the Right Operand. If the Left Operand is present as a variable, then only the complete process can be done.

How To Use Assignment Operator In Python?

Now, after the definition, we are coming to the technique to use Python Assignment Operators. That means here, we will discuss the syntax of the Python Assignment Operators. So for that purpose, check the following example.

					General Syntax: Variable = Value/Variable 

From the above syntax, the Python Assignment Variable can be defined. You can notice that the Python Assignment Operator can be differentiated into three parts. Let us check those three parts here.

  • The left-side operand of an assignment statement must always and only be a variable.ย 

  • Then comes the assignment operator itself.

  • The right-side operand can be a value, an expression, or an object.ย 

What Are Different Assignment Operators In Python?

Now, it is time to move ahead to the central discussion point. Here, we will implement a Python Assignment Operator for each class. There are multiple types of Python Assignment Operators are present. And each of the cases, the Assigning Values will behave differently.

Before moving to Other assignment operators, let us start with the very simple one. This is known as the Simple Assignment Operator or Basic Assignment Operator.

Python Homework Help

Now, it is time to move ahead to the central discussion point. Here, we will implement a Python Assignment Operator for each class. There are multiple types of Python Assignment Operators are present. And each of the cases, the Assigning Values will behave differently.

Before moving to Other assignment operators, let us start with the very simple one. This is known as the Simple Assignment Operator or Basic Assignment Operator.

1. Simple Assignment Operator or Basic Assignment Operator:

It is a very simple implementation process. Here, we will follow the Syntax declared above and implement the Python Code. We will just assign the value to the left to some new variables. It is also known as the Primary Assignment Operator.

					# Assigning value to the variable
c = 25

# Assigning a string
s = "Hello! CodingZap"

# Initializing a boolean value
v = 24 < 45

# Printing values

Simple Assignment Operator

2. Multiple And Parallel Assignment Operator:

Now, the Multiple And Parallel Assignment is not mentioned as the categories of the Assignment Operator. However, we can still write them in the section. We can say that, they are the variations of the Simple Equal Operator.

					# Multiple Assignments
a = b = c = 45

# Parallel Assignments
d,e,f = 100, 200 < 300, "CodingZap"

# Printing values
print("a =", a, ", b =", b, ", c =", c)
print("d =", d, ", e =", e, ", f =", f)

Short Explanation For Multiple Assignments:

In the above code, the integer value 45 is assigned to all the variables a,b,c. The data type of all the variables in a multiple-assignment statement must be the same.

Short Explanation For Parallel Assignment:

In parallel assignments, we can assign different values to different variables using comma-separated variables and values on either side of the assignment operator. The values are stored in the order of writing the pairs. The variable types need not be the same in parallel assignments.ย 


Multiple And Parallel Assignment Operator

3. Addition Assignment Operator:

This operator adds the left and the right operands and assigns the resulting value to the variable on the left.ย An example would be a += b which will equate to a = a+b.

It is important to note that only the value of โ€œaโ€ will change, whereas the value of โ€œbโ€ will remain the same. This is because the sum of โ€œaโ€ and โ€œbโ€ is finally stored in the variable โ€œaโ€.

					# Initializing 2 variables and a list
a = 10
b = 20;

# Function Calls for updating values using add assignment process
a += b

# Printing values
print("a =", a, "b =", b)

Short Explanation:

In the above code, we initialized 2 variables and added the value of the second variable to the first one using the add assignment operator. Note that the value of โ€œaโ€ changes, but the value of โ€œbโ€ remains the same.ย 


Addition Assignment Operator

4. Subtraction Assignment Operator:

After Addition One, it is time to move to the Subtraction Operation. This operator subtracts the right operand from the left and assigns the resulting value to the variable on the left. The working process is nearly the same as the above one.

					# Initializing 2 variables
a = 50
b = 2;

# Updating values using subtract process
a -= b

# Printing values
print("a =", a, "b =", b)

Short Explanation:

In the above code, we initialized the 2 variables โ€œaโ€ and โ€œbโ€ and printed their values for reference. Then, we subtracted the value of โ€œbโ€ from โ€œaโ€ using the subtract assignment operator. The final expression equated to โ€œa=a-bโ€. At last, we printed the final values of โ€œaโ€ and โ€œbโ€.


Subtraction Assignment Operator

5. Multiplication Assignment Operator:

Now, it is time to discuss the Multiplication Assignment Operation which is similar to the above one. The multiplication assignment operator is used to multiply the right operand with the left and assign the resulting value to the variable on the left.ย 

					# Initializing 2 variables
a = 50
b = 3;

# Updating values using multiplication process
a *= b

# Printing values
print("a =", a, "b =", b)

Short Explanation:

In the above code, we initialized the 2 variables โ€œaโ€ and โ€œbโ€ and printed their values for reference. Then, we multiplied the values of โ€œaโ€ and โ€œbโ€ using the multiplication equal operator. The final expression equated to โ€œa=a*bโ€. At last, we printed the final values of โ€œaโ€ and โ€œbโ€ to check the resulting values.ย 


Multiplication Assignment Operator

6. Division Assignment Operator:

Just like the previous three operators, the Division Operator works the same. Just instead of other operators, we have to put the Disivion Symbol there.

The Division Assignment Operator divides the left-hand operand from the right and assigns the resulting value to the left-hand side.

					# Initializing 2 variables
a = 42
b = 3;

# Updating values using division process
a /= b

# Printing values
print("a =", a, "b =", b)

Short Explanation:

In the above code, we initialized the 2 variables โ€œaโ€ and โ€œbโ€ and printed their values for reference. Then, we divided โ€œaโ€ by โ€œbโ€ using the division assignment operator. The final expression equated to โ€œa=a/bโ€. At last, we printed the final values of โ€œaโ€ and โ€œbโ€.ย 


Division Assignment Operator

7. Floor Division Assignment Operator:

Now, you have seen the Division Operator. Now, it is time to move to the Floor Division Operator. This is quite different from the simple division operator.

The floor division operator divides the operand on the left-hand operand from the right and rounds the value to the greatest integer value less than or equal to the resultant value. This value is then stored in the left-hand side operand.

					# Initializing 2 variables
a = 41
b = 3;
# Updating Existing Variable using Double Divide or Floor process
a //= b

# Printing values
print("a =", a, "b =", b)

Short Explanation:

In the above code, we initialized the 2 variables โ€œaโ€ and โ€œbโ€ and printed their values for reference. Then, we divided โ€œaโ€ by โ€œbโ€ using the division assignment operator. The final expression equated to โ€œa=a//bโ€. At last, we printed the final values of โ€œaโ€ and โ€œbโ€.ย 


Floor Division Assignment Operator

8. Modulus Assignment Operator:

In this case, the Modulus Assignment Operator is defined with the help of the Modulus and Equal Operator. That means the Simple Modulus and Assignment or Equal Operator will be used to get the Modulus value after dividing.

The modulus assignment operator is used to extract the remainder after dividing the operand on the left-hand side operand from the right. The remainder is then stored in the operand on the left-hand side operand.

					# Initializing 2 variables
a = 50
b = 3;

# Updating values using modulus process
a %= b

# Printing values
print("a =", a, "b =", b)

Short Explanation:

In the above code, we initialized the 2 variables โ€œaโ€ and โ€œbโ€ and printed their values for reference. We then used the Modulus Equal Operator to get the remainder of the division โ€œa/bโ€, and store the resulting value in โ€œaโ€. At last, we printed the final values of โ€œaโ€ and โ€œbโ€.ย 


Modulus Assignment Operator

9. Exponentiation Assignment Operator:

You might know the Power Operation in Mathematics! The same is present in Python Coding Language as well. This operator is used to get the Power of the Left Operand. This is the operator that can be used for various operations in the future.

This operator calculates the exponent of the left operand raised to the power of the right-side operand, which is then stored in the operand on the left.

					# Initializing 2 variables
a = 5
b = 3;

# Updating values using exponentiation process
a **= b

# Printing values
print("a = ", a, "b =", b)

Short Explanation:

In the above code, we initialized the 2 variables โ€œaโ€ and โ€œbโ€ and printed their values for reference. We then used the exponentiation assignment operator to get the value of โ€œaโ€ raised to the power of โ€œbโ€, and store the resulting value in โ€œaโ€. At last, we printed the final values of โ€œaโ€ and โ€œbโ€.ย 


Exponentiation Assignment Operator

10. Bitwise And Assignment Operator:

You might have come across the And Operator where the Special Symbol “&” is used. It is mostly used in the Computer Organization subject. However, it can be used with the Equal Operator. This operator performs the And Operation in between Left Operand & Ride-Side Operand.

And it will assign the result to the left operand. That men’s, the Left Side is very important in this case as well.

					# Initializing 2 variables
a = 50
b = 3;

# Updating values using Bitwise AND process
a &= b

# Printing values
print("a =", a, "b =", b)

Short Explanation:

In the above code, we initialized the 2 variables โ€œaโ€ and โ€œbโ€ and printed their values for reference. We then used the bitwise AND assignment operator to get the bitwise AND of โ€œaโ€ and โ€œbโ€, and store the resulting value in โ€œaโ€. At last, we printed the final values of โ€œaโ€ and โ€œbโ€.ย 


Bitwise And Assignment Operator

What Are Common Pitfalls With Assignment Operators And How to Avoid Them?

Now, after all the above discussion, before we end the topic, we should share some of the challenges that you may face while working on the Assignment Operators. We are going to list all the problems that as a beginner, you might face. So, let us check the following points.

  1. If there are mutable objects like List or Dictionary, then you should be careful to make sudden changes there as it might cause problems later.

  2. You should not declare another variable in the Inner Scope of the program. If you done so, there will be an Error before executing the code.

  3. If you are doing the changes in the Global Variable with Assignment Operators, then there can be consequences in the entire code. So, you have to be very careful.

However, we understand your situation. And we are not going to leave you by giving the list of pitfalls. We will help you to give Some Tips To Overcome such a problem.ย 

  • Tips that can be used to overcome such situations:

  1. If you are using mutable objects, then the NONE should be used at the time of declaration to avoid the problem.

  2. Always use a different name or name to depict the logic to overcome the situation to use the same name. You can use this trick for all languages.

  3. If you are modifying the Global Variable inside the function, then use the keyword properly. Hence, there will not be any kind of issues.


As we can see, it is very important to know the “Assignment Operators In Python”.

Operators are the fundamental part of any Coding Language that as a beginner you should have to practice. If the Python Operator Concept becomes clear to you, all the other problems can easily be solved.

There are many reasons why students look for assignment help online like difficulty in understanding the assignment, time limitation, etc. So, if youโ€™re also looking then you can always hire CodinngZap experts.

Additionally, considerย hiring Python tutorsย to accelerate your learning journey and gain personalized guidance along the way.


  • Assignment Operators assign the value to the Left Operand from the Right-Hand Side.

  • Assignment Operators assign the result to the left-hand side along with making all the changes.

  • Assignment Operators can be utilized with other Operators in Python as well.

  • As the Assignment Operators can assign the result after making prompt calculations, they can be divided into categories.

  • In each of the cases, before assigning value to the left, the Primary Operations like Addition, Multiplication, Substractions, etc. are done first, then the Assigning Operation.

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