If you want to master your Python Programming Course, studying only the theories will not help you. To become a Good Developer in Python, you must practice programs as much as possible. And that can be done by solving fun and interesting “Python Coding Challenges”.
Coding Challenges in Python not only develop your Python Skills but also give you more confidence to solve any kind of problem, which will help you in the future. So, from your academics, you have to focus on writing code and practice challenging Python Programs as much as possible.
In this article, we will discuss some Python Challenges that you have to solve as a student. However, if you are not able to write the answer and are stuck on any question, our Python experts have already provided answers for practice. So, let us start our discussion.
Summary Or Key Highlight:
Python is a Programming Language that is easy to learn and follows OOPs Concept.
With Python, you can learn Machine Learning, Data Analysis, etc Advanced Topics.
Solving Python Challenges is the only way to grab knowledge of such advanced topics.
Here, Python Challenges are divided into Beginner, Intermediate, and Advance Levels.
Beginners Level Python Challenges:
Now, let us start our discussion with the Python Challenges for Beginners. Here, the Python Challenges that we will teach you can be solved by a student who is learning Python for the first time. To clear the following Python Challenges, you should know about the Basics of Python.
First, try to resolve the following problems with your understanding. If you are unable to do so, then go for the following answers.
Challenge 1: Calculate The Factorial Of A Value
The very first example will be the Finding Factorial using the Python Program. It is one of the Famous Python Challenges that every student needs to work out. You might know about the Factorial Concept. Here, we will develop the Mathematical Logic into a Python Program.
def fact(n): # Declaring User Defined Function With Integer Parameter
zap = 1
for i in range(1, n + 1): # Declaration Of For Loop
zap = zap * i
return zap # It Will Always Return True
one = int(input("Enter A Integer: ")) # Asking For Integers
print("The Factorial Is:", fact(one)) # Printing The Result
Steps Of The Code:
At first, the Number will be taken from the user.
Then, we will call the User-Defined Module where a For Loop will be executed.
In the For Loop, we will multiply the given number with the series of numbers.
In the end, the result will be returned to the Main Function and it will be printed.
Challenge 2: Check For Palindrome Value
As a novice, if you want to develop your Python Skills, then solving Palindrome Value Python Challenges will be a must. After reversing any String, if you are getting the same word as the output, then the String will be called the Palindrome. Here, we will develop the logic for the same.
import sys
def zap(s): # Declaring User Defined Function With String Parameter
s = s.lower().replace(" ", "") # Converting The Character To lowercase
return s == s[::-1] # It Will Not Return False
one = input("Enter A Word: ") # Taking User Input
if zap(one): # Check If The Condition Is True
sys.stdout.write("It Is A Palindrome Number")
sys.stdout.write("It Is Not A Palindrome Number")
Steps Of The Code:
At first, we will take user input which will be used later.
Now, a user-defined module will be developed where all the characters will be converted to Lowercase.
Now, we will check if the two data are similar or not. If they are similar then Data True will be returned.
At last, the If Condition will be developed. If the Returned Data is True, we will say the given data is Palindrome.
Challenge 3: Comparing Two Parameters
One of the best Python Challenges will be comparing Arguments. In Functions, you will get the Argument Concept. Here, our target is to check whether Two Arguments of any Function are similar or not. This will help to develop a good understanding of Python Functions.
def zap(s,o): # Declaring User Defined Function With Two Parameters
return s == o # Comparing Parameter Element Details
print("Result Is: ", zap(10, 10)) # It Will Return True
print("Result Is: ", zap(10, 20)) # It Will Return False
Steps Of The Code:
At first, one User-defined Module will be developed that will take two arguments.
Now, inside that module, we will check whether the Two Arguments are similar or not.
If they are similar, the Data True will come, else the Data False will come.
Now, we will call the function two times. In one case, there will be two equal arguments and in another case, there will be two different arguments.
Intermediate Level Python Challenges:
Now, after solving the Python Challenges for Beginners, it is time to move ahead to some more challenges of the Intermediate level. These Python Challenges are for those who have already completed the Python Course and moving towards their end of academics.
Challenge 1: Convert Decimal To Binary Number
Every student always gets confused with the Decimal and Binary Data. Most of the students get an error while working on this concept. However, the Conversion of Decimal to Binary and vice versa is very important and considered as one of the Python Challenges.
def zap(n): # Declaring User Defined Function
return bin(n).replace("0b", "") # Converting Decimal To Binary
one = int(input("Enter A Decimal Number: ")) # Asking For Number
print("The Binary Number Is:", zap(one)) # Printing The Solutions
Steps Of The Code:
Here, we will first take the User Input which will be a Decimal Number.
Now, a user-defined module will be developed where the Decimal Data will be shared as an argument.
Now, we will use the Bin() and Replace() Functions to instantly convert Decimal to Binary.
Challenge 2: Sorting Values In Ascending Order Or Descending Order Using Flag
Sorting Data can’t be considered one of the best Python Challenges, but here, we are making it difficult. Here, we have to use a Single User-defined function with the Function Flag that will help to make Ascending and Descending at the same time.
def zap(n1, n2, ascending = True): # Declaration of User Defined Function With Flag
return sorted([n1, n2], reverse = not ascending) # Single Method To Sort Numbers
print("Sort Two Numbers In Ascending: ", zap(10, 15)) # As No Flag Is Mentioned It Will Sort In Ascending
print("Sort Two Numbers In Descending: ", zap(11, 22, ascending=False)) # As Flag Is Mentioned It Will Sort In Descending
Steps Of The Code:
Here, we have developed a user-defined function that will accept three arguments.
The first two are the Numbers to change the order and the last one will be the Function Flag.
Here, we are making the Function Flag True for Ascending Sequence.
Now, we will return the new data order which will not get reversed automatically.
Now, two times we will call the module. In the First Time, we will only provide the numbers.
In the Second Time, along with the numbers, we will share Ascending as False as the argument to make it in descending.
Advanced Level Python Challenges:
After discussing the Intermediate Level Python Challenges, it is time to discuss the Advanced Python Challenges. These are some Python Challenges that you can work on when you are going to complete your academics or are already in any workforce.
In these Python Challenges, we will use some Advanced Topics and Advanced Logic that will be hard to understand by a beginner.
Challenge 1: Save Mobile Number In A File
Here, we will develop Files that will be used to store the Mobile Number that is provided in the program. To work on such Python Challenges, you should have a good understanding of the Files Concept and how they work.
def zap(n): # User Defined Module To Hide Mobile Number
# Append Stars In Beginning Index and Make Last 4 Digits Free
return '*' * (len(str(n)) - 4) + str(n)[-4:]
def stor(n, filename="Mobile.txt"): # User Defined Module To Keep Mobile Number
with open(filename, 'a') as file: # Create A Txt In Python Programming
file.write(zap(n) + "\n") # Complete Txt Writing Process
stor(9433522024) # Just Call The Module With Mobile Number
Steps Of The Program:
At first, we will develop the Stor() Function which will create Files with the Name “Mobile.txt”.
After creating files, it will call another user-defined module Zap().
The Zap() Module will now make the last digits visible and others will marked with Stars(*).
In this way, the Mobile Number will be hidden in the stars and the last few digits will become available.
We have to just call the Stor() Module with the Mobile Number to get the result of such Python Challenges.
Challenge 2: Credit Card Number Write Validation
Now, before we wrap up the discussion, we would like to discuss one of the best Python Challenges which is based on the Luhn Algorithm. Whenever you are going to validate any number, you have to use the Luhn Algorithm.
The presence of the Luhn Algorithm makes the following Python Challenges a complicated one.
def zap(n): # Declaration Of User Defined Function
n = str(n)[::-1] # Get The Length Of The String
tmp = 0
for i, one in enumerate(n): # Running A For Loop To Check Each Digit
one = int(one)
if i % 2 == 1: # Checking The Condition
one = one * 2
if one > 9: # Nested If Else Condition
one = one - 9
tmp = tmp + one
return tmp % 10 == 0 # Solve The Result
print("Result Of Credit Card Validation: ", zap(1324587945870356)) # Checking The Result
Steps Of The Program:
At first, we will declare the user-defined module that will take the Credit Card Data.
Now, as per the Luhn Algorithm, we will reverse the entire data.
Now, we will run the For Loops that will check the Every Second Digit of the sequence.
And we have to make double that Every Second Digit.
If the Doubled Data is greater than Data 9, we have to subtract it from Data 9.
In the end, we have to add all the Data. The Original Data of Sequence and the New Sequence after subtracting.
Now, the final data is coming, if it is divided by Data 10, then the Validation is True.
In the end, we can say it is very necessary to practice “Python Coding Challenges” as much as possible.
While solving the Python Challenges, try to develop the logic first. If needed, you can also develop the Flowchart of your proposed logic. Then only go for the implementation in Python Language. However, for all of these, you should have a sound understanding of the Python Basics.
So, if youโre also looking to clear your Python Basics then you can always hire CodinngZap experts.
Additionally, considerย hiring Python tutorsย to accelerate your learning journey and gain personalized guidance along the way.
Practicing Python Challenges is the only gateway to pursue a good career in Python.
The Beginner-level Python Challenges need an understanding of Functions, Loops, Sharing Arguments, etc.
To work on the Intermediate Python Challenges, the concepts of List, Dictionary, Strings, etc. should be cleared.
The Advanced Python Challenges need the collaboration of Files, OOPs, NumPy, etc. concepts.