In this step-by-step guide, we’ll explore the fascinating realm of Python GUI programming by creating a functional calculator with a user-friendly graphical interface. This project will not only provide you with a practical tool for everyday calculations but also serve as a hands-on introduction to GUI development using Python’s Tkinter library.ย
As we progress through the tutorial, you’ll discover how to design intuitive interfaces, handle user input, and implement a wide range of mathematical functions. By the end, you’ll have a customized Python GUI calculator at your disposal, along with valuable skills to tackle future GUI projects with confidence.
Let’s embark on this exciting journey to build and utilize your very own Python GUI calculator!ย
Summary or Key Highlights:
Gui Calculator can be developed in Python using some GUI Applications or Frameworks.
The main target is to get the user’s input from the command line and perform calculations.
The calculator will have the Grid Row where all numeric buttons and the Equal and Clear buttons will be developed. If you’re looking for other interesting projects to strengthen your Python skills, check out our list of Beginner-Friendly Python Projects to Try.
Why a GUI Calculator? Read Below
While functional, traditional command-line calculators can be daunting for users unfamiliar with complex command structures. A GUI calculator, on the other hand, presents a friendly face to users, offering buttons for digits and operations that simplify the calculation process. It’s an excellent choice for beginners and experienced programmers looking to enhance their Python skills.
Which Python GUI Framework Helps in Creating Graphical User Interfaces?
When it comes to selecting a Python GUI framework, you have several options to choose from, each with its own strengths and use cases. The “best” framework often depends on your specific project requirements and personal preferences. Here, we’ll introduce a few popular Python GUI frameworks and briefly discuss their advantages:
Tkinter: Simple and Standard
Tkinter is the standard GUI library that comes bundled with Python. It’s an excellent choice for beginners due to its simplicity and ease of use. If youโre setting up your development environment, choosing the Right IDE for Python Programming can greatly enhance your coding experience. Tkinter provides a variety of widgets (buttons, labels, entry fields, etc.) for building graphical interfaces. It’s lightweight, cross-platform, and well-documented, making it an ideal choice for small to medium-sized projects.
PyQt and PySide: Powerful and Cross-Platform
PyQt and PySide are Python bindings for the Qt application framework, offering powerful tools for creating sophisticated cross-platform applications. They provide extensive libraries for both simple and complex GUI designs. While they are more complex than Tkinter, they offer more flexibility and are suitable for large-scale projects.
Kivy: For Multi-Touch and Mobile Apps
Kivy is a Python library for developing multitouch applications and mobile apps. It’s particularly well-suited for touch-enabled devices and can be used for both desktop and mobile applications. Kivy’s unique feature is its ability to create applications that run on iOS and Android platforms in addition to desktop platforms.
wxPython: Native Look and Feel
wxPython is another mature GUI library that provides native-looking interfaces on various platforms. It allows you to create applications with a native look and feel, which can be beneficial if you want your app to seamlessly integrate with the user’s operating system.
Dear PyGui: Modern and GPU-Accelerated
Dear PyGui is a relatively new GUI framework known for its modern design and GPU-accelerated rendering. It’s suitable for creating visually appealing and interactive applications, especially in the fields of data visualization and gaming.
Why Python Tkinter Library Is Most Helpful In GUI (Graphical User Interface)?
Now, before we move to the implementation of the Calculator app using the GUI framework, we need to understand which GUI Application will be the best in this case.
So, to create a Calculator, we are using Tkinter Functions and Widgets as there are many reasons behind this. Let us check the following functions as it will help to clear why we are using Tkinter widgets for the code development.
Plenty Of Widgets: Using Tkinter Functions will give you a lot of options where different Widgets can be used. You can use Column, Grid, Button, Label, etc. which will help you to implement the ultimate Grid Row which is very important.
Geometry Management: Using Tkinter will help to access the method that makes Geometry Management very much easier. You will find methods in Tkinter like the Grid Method, Pack Method, Place Method, etc. to draw the calculator easily.
Easy To Use: The Tkinter is very simple to use for any beginner. You will find other frameworks as well to work on the GUI Domain. However, you will not get the simplicity that the Tkinter can provide to you.
How To Develop Python Calculator Using Tkinter GUI Library?
import tkinter as tk # Using Tkinter Package
from tkinter import messagebox # Using Tkinter Messagebox Package
import tkinter.font as tkFont # Import Tkinter Font as tkFont
# Initialize the Calculator's State
current_input = "" # Empty String Expression
result = "" # Empty String Expression
# Function to Handle Button Clicks
def on_button_click(button):
global current_input # Create Global Expression In Main Window
if button == '=':
try: # Event Trigger Starts Here
# Create Input Field Using Global Expression
result = eval(current_input) # Calculating The Eval Values
display.delete(0, tk.END)
# Create Input Field Using Global Expression
display.insert(tk.END, str(result))
current_input = str(result)
except Exception as e:
messagebox.showerror("Error", "Invalid Input")
current_input = ""
current_input += button
display.insert(tk.END, button)
# Event Trigger Ends Here
# Create the Main Window With Native Look
window = tk.Tk()
window.title("Python GUI Calculator") # Providing Window's Title
window.geometry("400x600") # Marking The Geometry Of Main Window
# Create a display area
display = tk.Entry(window, font=('Arial', 24), justify='right')
display.pack(fill='x', padx=10, pady=10, ipadx=10, ipady=10)
# Create Buttons For Digits And Operations In Grid Row
button_frame = tk.Frame(window)
buttons = [ # Buttons Coming In Grid Row Pattern
'7', '8', '9', '/','4', '5', '6', '*','1', '2', '3', '-','0', '.', '=', '+'
# You can also create Clear Button in Entry Fields or Input Field
row, col = 1, 0 # Create The First Column Of Grid Row On Window
for button in buttons: # Crete The Entire Grid Row With Loop
tk.Button(button_frame, text=button, font=('Arial', 18), width=5, height=2,
command=lambda b=button: on_button_click(b)).grid(row=row, column=col, padx=5, pady=5)
col += 1 # Column Is Getting Added By 1
if col > 3: # If Column Is Greater Than Value 3
col = 0 # Then Make The Column Zero
row += 1 # Row Will Be Added With 1
window.mainloop()# Run the main loop
From the above output, you can see that we can able to create a Calculator application with the help of the above-declared code. You can see the Grid Row is coming in the sequence and in the line that is most needed in the code.
Degradation Of Entire Code Into Sections:
Now, we know that the above code will not help to understand the complete process. To gain a deeper knowledge of the above code, you have to divide it into sections. Here, we have divided the code into 4 Sections.
You should have to go through all of these 4 sections to understand the logic for creating a calculator app in your code development environment. so, let us start with the very first one.
1. Importing Python Library:
For creating the Calculator Application using GUI, the very first needed section will be Importing Packages. Here as we are using the Tkinter Framework, the Import Tkinter statement will be executed. Along with Messagebox and Tkinter Font will also be called.
import tkinter as tk # Using Tkinter Package
from tkinter import messagebox # Using Tkinter Messagebox Package
import tkinter.font as tkFont # Import Tkinter Font as tkFont
2. Creating Calculator Window:
Now, in this section, we have to write down the command that will work on the Calculator Geometry and Grid Row. Here, we will first provide the Calculator Name in the large grid. Later, we will define the calculator area for grid row development.
# Create the Main Window
window = tk.Tk()
window.title("Python GUI Calculator") # Providing Window's Title
window.geometry("400x600") # Marking The Geometry Of Main Window
3. Designing GUI Window With User Interface:
Now, in this section, we have to take care of the entire GUI Development process. Along with the grid row development, we have to work on the column deployment as well. We have to put the numbers and symbols in a series which will be shown in the grid row after development.
Also, we have to put the command to execute the Main Loop in the program. Inside the main loop command, the Column will be added with Value 1. Then, the value of the column will be checked. If the column value is greater than value 3, then the column value will become zero.
# Create Buttons For Digits And Operations In Grid Row
button_frame = tk.Frame(window)
buttons = [ # Buttons Coming In Grid Row Pattern
'7', '8', '9', '/',
'4', '5', '6', '*',
'1', '2', '3', '-',
'0', '.', '=', '+'
# You can also create Clear Button in Entry Fields or Input Field
row, col = 1, 0 # Create The Starting Column Of Grid Row On Window
for button in buttons: # Crete The Entire Grid Row With Loop
tk.Button(button_frame, text=button, font=('Arial', 18), width=5, height=2,
command = lambda b=button: on_button_click(b)).grid(row=row, column = col, padx=5, pady=5)
col += 1 # Column Is Getting Added By 1
if col > 3: # If Column Is Greater Than Value 3
col = 0 # Then Make The Column Zero
row += 1 # Row Will Be Added With 1
4. Implementation Of Python Calculator App Logic:
Now, last but not least one is the development of Calculator Logic. Here, in the first, we are declaring some Global value with the Global Command. Now, we have to implement one function where the button click process will work. For that purpose, let us check the following points.
If the user clicks the button โ=โ, it shows that the user is trying to evaluate the current_input as an expression using eval.
If the evaluation is successful, the result is displayed in the display field using the display.insert(tk.END, str(result)). The current_input is also updated with the result.
If the evaluation fails (e.g., due to an invalid expression), it displays an error message using a messagebox.showerror(โErrorโ, โInvalid Inputโ) and resets current_input.
# Initialize the Calculator's State
current_input = "" # Empty String Expression
result = "" # Empty String Expression
# Function to Handle Button Clicks
def on_button_click(button):
global current_input # Create Global Expression In Main Window
if button == '=':
# Create Input Field Using Global Expression
result = eval(current_input) # Calculating The Eval Values
display.delete(0, tk.END)
# Create Input Field Using Global Expression
display.insert(tk.END, str(result))
current_input = str(result)
except Exception as e:
messagebox.showerror("Error", "Invalid Input")
current_input = ""
current_input += button
display.insert(tk.END, button)
window.mainloop()# Run the main loop
Understanding The Working Of GUI Calculator In Python Language:
Now, in the end, it is time to understand the output and the working process of the calculator. You have seen that the calculator is coming in the output screen as we are expecting. Now, let us have a test drive on the developed calculator.
Take Input Command:
At first, we are going to take the input from the user. In this case, the user has to click on the button to enter the input. If the user is pressing the keyboard key, then the calculator will not consider the input. Here, we have pressed the 8 and 3 Values along with the Plus Symbol (+).
Provide Correct Output:
Now, as the input value is provided by the user, it is time to get the output from the calculator. For that purpose, we need to press the Answer Key (=). And the 11 Value is coming as the output. So, the calculator is working completely fine.
Where To Execute GUI-Based Python Programs?
Now, at this point, the logic and the implementation process of the above-mentioned code should become clear to you. However, if you are a novice then you might be thinking about where to execute such GUI-based Python Codes.
Because, when you can execute the Python Code, then you will get a deeper understanding of the topic. You can even make some modifications with time and more practice. So, before wrapping up, let us check where you can execute such codes.
1. Online Compiler:
One of the best choices of the Python Developers will be to execute any program on Online Compilers. On Online Compilers, one doesn’t need to configure a code editor. Hence, it becomes easier for individuals to execute the code.
However, if you want to execute GUI-based programs on an Online Compiler, you have to search a lot for the correct platform. As most of the Online Compilers don’t have the GUI ability to execute any code.
2. Local Machine:
If you want to get output in a hassle-free process, then having a Local Machine for Python is very important. In such cases, there will be the Python Installed on the System. And with the help of the Terminal, one can execute the code.
For that purpose, you have to Install Python along with Install PIP For Python. Once, all of the necessary items are installed, the Python code execution will become a simple process. But, in that case, you have to frequently configure the local machine.
In the end, we can say the development of “Python GUI Calculator” will increase your knowledge and skills.
However, the Python GUI Calculator is not a beginner-friendly project to be developed. You have to first clear all the foundations and basics of Python Programming Language before starting working on the GUI Calculator. Otherwise, you will face difficulties in understanding the code implementation.
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Development of the GUI Calculator in Python will need to use the GUI Frameworks associated.
The Tkinter Library is used in the code as it is easy to use and has a lot of widgets.
Make sure you have developed the logic of the GUI Calculator properly.
Do proper calculations when you are going to develop the GUI window for the calculator.
In the GUI Calculator App, make sure you are providing input by clicking on the buttons. If you’re working with user inputs and need to handle numeric values, our tutorial on Converting Strings to Float in Python will be a useful read.