What Is the Difference Between Encapsulation and Abstraction in Programming?

What Is the Difference Between Encapsulation and Abstraction in Programming?

Do you know what the โ€œDifference between Encapsulation and Abstractionโ€ is in Object-oriented programming languages? Have you ever thought about the relationship between Abstraction and Encapsulation? In this article, we will discuss the main differences and discuss implementing a sample encapsulation program.

Still, if you have any doubts regarding this topic or related to Java Homework Assignments then contact us! But before we start writing about the difference between Encapsulation and Abstraction. we need to go over the basics.

So, let’s get started!

Summary Of The Article:

  • In object-oriented programming, we have four fundamental concepts. These are abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

  • In this article, we will discuss abstraction and encapsulation in detail. These two OOPs concepts are a part of another concept called data hiding.

  • The key difference between abstraction and encapsulation is that abstraction helps to simplify code for complex systems while separating interface and concrete implementation, whereas, encapsulation binds the data and implementation details in a single entity. This single entity can be a class.

  • Both of these help us in achieving data hiding that makes our codebase and software more effective. Practicing data hiding is an efficient way to reduce complexity and errors in your program.

Abstraction Vs Encapsulation: Two Pillars Of OOPs

This article will teach us about the two most important OOP concepts. We know that there are four pillars of object-oriented programming. These are abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

But, today we are going to focus on data abstraction and encapsulation. We will also understand these concepts with the help of coding examples to make it easier for you to implement them in your code.

A programming student thinking about Abstraction Vs Encapsulation

We’ll be going over today’s topic using the Java programming language. However, these concepts also apply to other Object-oriented languages like C++ and Python. If youโ€™re curious to know more about C++ applications, then you can check out our article.

What Is The Difference Between Encapsulation And Abstraction?

Now, the most awaited part of this article has arrived. We are now going to discuss the difference between abstraction and encapsulation methods in the Java programming language with the help of the following table. But one thing should keep in mind that, the definition of these concepts plays an important role.

A teacher explaining Difference Between Encapsulation And Abstraction

Let us try to focus on the following differences between the Abstraction vs Encapsulation methods. Take a look at the following table to understand the difference between abstraction and encapsulation.




Definition of concept

In the abstraction process, we are hiding data and complex details from the user while only providing them with essential features. It is useful in gaining information.

In the Encapsulation process, the data and other objects are secured inside a single unit that protects it from the outside world, thus, providing controlled access.ย 

Level of solving

Abstraction is used to solve issues at the program design or interface level.

Encapsulation solves issues at the implementation level.

Field of work

Abstraction engaged in the external lookout of the code.

Encapsulation is engaged in internal code working.

Build up modules

Abstraction is built up with the help of abstract classes & interfaces.

Encapsulation is built up with several access modifiers in the programming language.

Operation on information

Abstraction is a process of gaining information.

Encapsulation is a process of containing information.

Features provided

Abstraction helps in preventing accidental access to sensitive information, implementation hiding, and data integrity and security.

Encapsulation provides us with code reusability and modularity rather than hiding implementation details.

What Is Data Abstraction? Get To Know!

In simple words, the abstraction concept hides some program elements from the users. These are the elements that are not necessarily one to the users. But those elements that are necessary to the users will become available to view.

The best example can be driving a car. The driver knows about the pedals, the steering wheel, the gearbox, and everything that a person needs to drive the vehicle. However, the internal work is unknown to the driver as it is an unnecessary detail.

Thus, we can say that abstraction is the method to show only the essential features that are relevant to the user while ignoring irrelevant details and hiding complex implementation details. You might assume it is a complex system, but the implementation is quite easy.

Many people ask, “Is an interface an abstraction or encapsulation?”

In Java programming language, the Abstraction theory is made with the help of a well-defined interface and abstract classes as they don’t allow direct access of data to the end user. All these things will be clear when one sample program is implemented using the Java programming language.

How To Implement Abstraction Program In Java?

Let us see how we can achieve data abstraction. We use abstraction at the interface level in Java and we can do so with the help of access modifiers in Java. These are public, private, and protected access modifiers. Let us see the sample program below.


					abstract class Out {
	public abstract void Zap();
} // Declaration Of Abstract Class   
class Sample extends Out{ // Making Interface Class    
	public void Zap(){  // writing public methods
		System.out.println("Print: The Program Executed");
public class Main{
	public static void main(String[] args){  
        Out Sample = new Sample(); 
	Sample.Zap(); // Calling The Function

Explanation Of The Program:

  • We have created an abstract class named ‘Out’ in the program.

  • Inside the abstraction class, one simple function will be declared. The function is going to be developed further in the future.

  • Next, we have created one interface with the help of the extend keyword in the Java program which will connect two classes or data members.

  • Inside this public interface, the function Zap() is developed.

  • Inside this function, we have only used one random statement for printing purposes.

  • Now, we will move to the main function where one object of the class is created.

  • Using the public access modifier for Zap() we have achieved data abstraction in this case

Now, the reason why we can access the Zap() function of the ‘Out’ abstract class is because we have used the public access modifier here. In case, we had used the private access modifier, we wouldn’t be able to access it.


Abstraction Program In Java

What Is Data Encapsulation? Know In Detail!

After discussing the Abstraction method in the Java programming language, it will not be fair if we directly move toward the difference between Encapsulation and Abstraction without discussing the definition of Encapsulation.

Data encapsulation is moreover same theory as the abstraction method. The Encapsulation theory also hides some unnecessary information about the program from the users. That is the reason many students get confused between Abstraction and Encapsulation.

Encapsulation is the process of binding data and objects in a particular container and controlling access to the internal implementation. Most of the time, these containers are the concrete classes. So, when you put the data members and the member functions together in a single unit, we achieve encapsulation.

Data Encapsulation

How To Implement Encapsulation Program In Java?

Below is a code example that shows the implementation details of encapsulation. Here, we are binding data and internal details in a single unit. In this case, problems are solved at the implementation level. Let us see how to achieve data encapsulation. Have a look below!


					class Sample { 
	int l;
	int w; // Different Fields Of Operation
  	Sample(int l, int w) { 
		this.l = l; 
		this.w = w;
	} // Making Constructor Of The Class
  	public void get() { // Calculation The Value
    		int a = l + w; 
		System.out.println("Result Is: " + a); 
		}// Printing The Data
public class Main{ 
	public static void main(String[] args) { 
		Sample obj = new Sample(10, 20); // create Object Of Class
   		obj.get(); // Calling The Function

Explanation Of The Program:

  • Here, we will declare a sample class other than the main function inside of the Java programming language.

  • Then, inside the class, one member function Sample() will be declared. That function will work as the constructor. Along with that, some fields of operation have also been declared there.

  • Now, inside of the main function, the object of the function will be created.

  • While making the object of the function, we should provide some value that will be needed while generating the result.

  • After proving the values, the function will be called. Hence, the Encapsulation sample program is created.

As you can see, we are bundling data into a single unit, i.e. class Sample. Another thing you might have noticed in the above program is the use of access modifiers (public void get() and public static void main.)


Encapsulation Program In Java


As we saw it is very important to know the difference between Encapsulation and Abstraction concepts in programming. But which is more important?

The correct answer is that both things are necessary for different problems. In between these two concepts, it is very hard to draw out anyone as the better one. Both concepts are indeed necessary for the project development process. No one can replace the necessity of the other one as they provide different functionalities.

It is also advisable to clear the basic programming concept where you are learning the Encapsulation & Abstraction concepts. If it is the Java programming language, then the function calling & abstraction class should be cleared. Having a good grip on these OOP concepts will help you further in the future.


  • Abstraction and Encapsulation are the concepts of object-oriented programming that allow us to deal with data hiding.

  • Abstraction is used to hide complex details and provide relevant features to the users using the getter and setter methods as well as the abstract methods. Whereas, encapsulation is used to bind data in a single unit.

  • While abstraction works at the interface level, encapsulation solves problems at the implementation level.

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