What Are Different Kinds Of Python Data Types?

Different Kinds Of Python Data Types

If you have started learning Python Programming Language for the first time, starting your journey with very basic and simple topics will be better. The “Python Data Types” will be the most suitable one to kick-start your journey towards advanced Python topics.

Knowing Data Types of different Programming Languages will not help you enough to solve Python Problems. If you want to become a good Python Developer in the future, you should invest a good amount of time in learning and understanding Python Data Types.

In this article, we will discuss the wide range of Data Types exclusively present in the Python Language. We will also use some Python Codes to show you the working process of such Python Data Types. So, let us start our discussion.

Summary Or Key Highlights:

  • In Python, the Built-in Data Types are mostly used to solve different kinds of problems.

  • Python Data Types can be divided into Five Categories: Numeric, Sequential, Binary, and Boolean.

  • The Numeric Data Type and Sequential Data Type can further be divided into three sub-categories.

  • List, Dictionary, Tuple, etc. are some of the Data Types that are only available for Python.

What Are The Built-In Data Types In Python Code?

Python Built-in Data Types are some predefined Data Types that are already present in Python Language. Once, we will install the Python Package on our device, we can use all of the Python Built-in Data Types. These Built-in Data Types have certain prefixed classes like Int, Float, Str, etc.

Built-In Data Types In Python Code

The Python Built-in Data Types can be divided into Five Categories. Let us have a look at the following list which will let us know divisions of Python Data Types.

  • Numeric Data Type: If we want to work and hold Numeric Values, then this kind of Data Type should be used. The Numeric Data Types can further be divided into three sub-categories.

  • Sequential Data Type: If we want to put some values in a sequence, then the Sequential Data Types should be used which comes up with common Sequence Operations.

  • Mapping Data Type: The Mapping Data Types are those where the Key-Value Pair works. In Python, only Dictionary is the Data Type that can work with Key and Value.

  • Boolean Data Type: Boolean Data Types can only work with two values. Either it will be True or it will be False. Based on the value, the Python program works.

  • Binary Data Type: The use of the Binary Data Types is very much less in Python. The Binary Data Type works with the Programming Bytes which has very limited use.

Now, as it is called the Built-in Data Types, you might ask the question, “Are There Any User-Defined Data Types As Well in Python?” The Answer will be Yes.

Along with the Python Built-in Data Types, we can also define User-Defined Python Data Types. However, this can be done only in the Python Classes. Also, the use of the User-Defined Python Data Type is very much rare.

But, for the time being, let’s focus on the Python Built-in Data Types Only. In the upcoming section, we are going to discuss more on this.

What Are Some Numeric Data Types In Python?

Now, the background of the Python Data Type should become clear to you. Then, it is time to move ahead in our discussion. Here, we are going to talk about the Python Numeric Data Types.

As we have said earlier, the Python Numeric Data Types can further be divided into three categories. Let us check all of them one by one. We will first start with the Integer Data Type.

1. Integer Value Data Type (Int Class):

In the Integer Data Types, we can store any kind of Numeric Values. If we want, we can store the Positive Value or Negative Value. If we want to make a value Negative, then we have to place the Negative Symbol (-) before it.

					zap = 0811 # Positive Integer Value
one = -2024 # Negative Int Value

For the Python Integer Data Type, we don’t have to write the “Int” before the variable which we used to do for other languages. Here, we can straightaway write the value, and the Python Compiler will make the variable an Int. This is the only difference between Python and other Languages.

2. Floating Point Numbers (Float Value):

Now, after discussing the Integer Data Type, we have to move ahead to the Floating Data Types. The Floating Data Types can’t access the simple Integer Value. If there is any Decimal Digit present, then only it is accessible through this kind of Data Type.

					zap = 3.14159 # Positive Floating Point Numbers With Decimal Point
one = -5.1319 # Negative Floating Point Number With Decimal Integer

For the Floating Point Numbers as well, we don’t have to put any Specified Suffix. Just like the Integer, the Python Compiler will mark the Variable as the Floating one, when we put the decimal number after the Equal To (=) Symbol. So, the working is different from other languages.

3. Complex Numbers Data Types:

You will be surprised to know that with the help of Python, we can even work with Complex Numbers. Just like the Integer and Float Values, then Complex Numbers can also be declared without using any Keyword before the Variables. The Python Compiler will mark the variable automatically.

					zap = 5 + 3i # Declaration Of Complex Number 
# Here, The i Is The Imaginary Unit Of Such Numeric Values

Even, if we put the Scientific Notation of Imaginary Digit in the Python Compiler, it will not throw an Invalid Literal Error. Because the Python Compiler has predefined instructions for such digits. In between the complex numbers, we can perform any kind of operation.

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What Are Some Sequential Python Data Types?

Now, after discussing the Numeric Data Types, it is time to discuss the Sequential Data Type In Python. The Sequential Data Types are one of the most important Non-boolean Objects in Python. The Sequential Data Type can also be divided into Three Categories.

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All of these three categories are made up of the Python Iterable Object. So, let us start with the String Concept first.

1. String Literals Data Types (Str Class):

The String in Python also works the same as in other programming languages. However, we don’t have to write the keyword “String” before the variable in Python. We can perform different String Operations like Concatenation, Repetition, etc. with Python quickly.

					s0 = "" # Declaration Of Empty Strings (Type Str) Using Double Quotes
s1 = 'Coding' # Single Quote String Literal (Class Str)
s2 = "Zap" # Double Quotes Hexadecimal String Representation
s3 = """CodingZap""" # Declaration Of Triple Quoted Strings (Type Str)

print("Concatenation: ", s1 + s2) # Create Strings Concatenation Without Whitespace Characters
print("Repeating String: ", s2*3) # Repeating Double Quotes String 
print("Length: ", len(s0)) # Using Python Print To Get The Length Of The Empty String

Steps Of The Program:

  • At first, three different kinds of String, Single Quote, Double Quotes, and Triple Quotes String will be declared.

  • Later, we can concatenate two strings by using a simple Plus Symbol (+).

  • If you want to repeat any string N number of Times, you have to multiply the number with the String.

  • The Len() Method is called to print the String Length without the Tab Character.


String Literals Data Types Output

2. List Data Type (List Class):

In Python, the List is another important data type that can be highly used. The List is the Data Type that is exclusively present only for Python Language. The List works like the Array Concept. However, the List is much more Dynamic than the Arrays.

					# Creating The List (Array Module) Built-In Data Types With Square Brackets
zap = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] 

# Accessing Element From Python Objects
print("Element At 0th Index:", zap[1])

# Using Slice Operation In Python Object
print("Slicing Index From 1 To 2:", zap[1:3])

zap[1] = 25 # Modifying Existing Value At Index 1 For Built-In Types
zap.append(60) # Adding A New Value Using Append Built-In Function
zap.remove(30) # Removing Value 30 Using Remove() Function

print("List After All Modification:", zap)

Steps Of The Program:

  • Here, we will first declare one List where some numbers will be provided.

  • To print any number of any certain position, we have to use the Index just like we do for Array.

  • Now, we can instantly modify the values using the Index Values and the New Value.

  • We can use the Slice Operation by which we can generate a cut portion from the List.

  • We can also use the Append Instance Method which will add the New Number in the end.

  • To Delete any element from the List, we can use the Remove() Function where we have to provide the value that should be removed.


List Data Type Output

3. Tuple Data Type (Tuple Class):

Tuple is another Python Data Type that has a good similarity with the List Concept. However, in the Tuple, we can’t use the Tab Characters. Also, we can’t modify the values which are already present in the Tuple.

					one = () # Declaration Of Empty Tuple Without Any Specified Value
# Putting Numeric Data Type Value Separated With Comma
zap = (5, 8, 4, 7, 1) 

# We Will Access Tuple Items Using Index
print("Element At 0th Index:", zap[0])

# We Will Access Tuple Items Using Slice Operation
print("Slicing Index From 1 To 3:", zap[1:4])

Steps Of The Program:

  • At first, a Tuple will be declared where we have to put the Normal Braces.

  • After putting numbers in the Tuple, we can print any Element using its Index just like the List.

  • The Slicing can also be done in Tuple. We have to put the Starting Index and Ending Index there to get the elements in between them.


Tuple Data Type Output

What Is The Mapping Or Dictionary Data Type In Python Programming?

After discussing the Sequential Data Types, it is time to move ahead to the Mapping Data Types. In Mapping Data Types, one prominent Data Type is the Dictionary. The Dictionary uses the Key-Value Pair, which is why we can say it is doing the Mapping in the Python Code.

					# Creating Dictionary Data Type With Textual Data Pairs
zap = {"Code": "Python", "Type": "OOPs"} # Adding Values Separated By Comma
print("Original Dictionary:", zap)

# Add A New Key Value Pair To The Default Values
zap["Platform"] = "CodingZap"

# Update The Existing Code Key-Value Pair In The Data Type
zap["Code"] = "C++"

# We Will Delete The Type Key-Value Pair From The Data Type
del zap["Type"]

print("Modified Dictionary:", zap)

Steps Of The Program:

  • At first, a Dictionary will be created where the First Data is the Key and the Second Data is the Value.

  • Now, if we want to add another Key and Value, we have to use the Brackets. Put the Key into the Brackets and Value after the Equal To.

  • We can update the Key-Value Pair by using the Existing Key and its New Value.

  • For deleting any Key-Value Pair, we have to use the Del Keyword along with the Key inside the Dictionary Name.


Mapping Or Dictionary Data Type In Python Output

How To Check The Category Of Any Python Data Types?

From the above discussion, we hope that the Python Data Types should become clear to you. However, as a novice, if you want to know which data type belongs to which category, then you can use the Type() Function. This will help to distinguish between data types.

If you are confused about whether a Variable is declared as a List, Tuple, or Dictionary, then before moving ahead you can use the Type() Function to become satisfied. Let us check the following program to know more about the implementation process.

General Syntax: type(Variable Name)

					so = 20 # We Can Write Any Positive Or Negative Integer (Class Int)
al = 9.35 # This Is The Floating Point Representation

un = "CodingZap" # This Is The String Representation
et = [10, 20, 30] # This Is The List Representation

ra = () # This Is The Tuple Representation
gh = {"Code": "Python"} # This Is The Dictionary Representation
os = True # This Is The Binary Data Representation

# Internal Representation Of Categories Using Type() Function
print("1st Data Type Is: ", type(so)) # Integer Represented As Class Int
print("2nd Data Type Is: ", type(al)) # Float Instance Represented As Class FLoat
print("3rd Data Type Is: ", type(un)) # String Instance Represented As Class Str
print("4th Data Type Is: ", type(et)) # List Instance Represented As Class List
print("5th Data Type Is: ", type(ra)) # Tuple Instance Represented As Class Tuple
print("6th Data Type Is: ", type(gh)) # Dictionary Instance Represented As Class Dict
print("7th Data Type Is: ", type(os)) # Boolean Instance Represented As Class Bool

Steps Of The Program:

  • In this program, we have declared different Data Types that we have discussed above.

  • From Integer to Float to String and Lists, everything is present in the above code.

  • Now, we will use the above syntax and try to get the Type of each Data Type declared in the program.



From the above Screenshot, we can see that we are getting a series of Types as our output. Here, the first one is the Class Int Type and if you check in the program, we have written the Integer at the first. So, the program is working fine with the Type() Function.


In the end, we can say that knowing about “Python Data Types” is crucial for Beginners.

We recommend that you first understand the data types that are discussed here properly as a beginner. Then only, you can slowly move to some other advanced and complex topics in Python like Conditional Statements and Loops. Otherwise, you may face difficulties later in your study.


  • Numeric Data Types can be divided into Integer, Float, and Complex Number Categories.

  • The Sequential Data Types can be divided into String, List, and Tuple Categories.

  • We can Add, Modify, and Remove items from String and List, but not in Tuple.

  • In Mapping Data Types, the Dictionary is one of the prominent Data Types that is highly used.

  • The True and False are two different values in the Boolean Data Type.

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