Do you know “What is loop in Python”? Have you ever thought about the process of using a loop in Python? Letโs experience how to implement the loops in this article.
We will start our discussion with the very basic definition of the loops in Python. Then, we will move to its implementation process. Python is one of the most demanding programming languages, and there are many important reasons to learn Python. Loop in Python is one of the important concepts, let’s read this article and discover more about loops.
What is the loop in Python?
Loop in Python is a very useful thing to implement. In this case, we have to provide a variable to initialize
the loop. Then according to the condition of the loop, it goes on to iterate. After every iteration, it will check
the condition.
If the condition is fulfilling, then it will again start the iteration. After every iteration, it will change the
variable value by some amount. When at any point, it will not fulfill the condition, the loop will get stop. Confused about whether the condition is fulfilling or not? Worry not, you can take Python assistance from CodingZap experts and clear your confusion.
How to use the loop in Python:
In Python, there are mainly three ways to use a loop in Python. Every procedure is unique. Every procedure has its way to represent.ย Let’s make a list of those methods:
- While Loop
- For Loop
- For Each Loop
Letโs know each method one by one in a detailed way. If you’re curious to know about the methods to implement depth-first search then check out our article on “How To Implement Depth First Search In Python?“
How To Implement Loop In Python Using While Loop?
In the case of While Loop, there is a condition present at the very beginning of the block of code. The
condition is the checking point before entering the loop. If the condition is satisfied, then the execution of
the while loop will be started.
Inside the while loop, some modifications should be done that will affect the condition fulfillment. We can
make changes so that the condition at one time becomes false & the execution of the loop gets stopped.
Otherwise, it will become one infinite loop.
General Syntax: while(condition)
After knowing what is while loop is in Python, let’s take an example to clarify the concept.
# Declaring The Starting Variable i=0 # Declaring The Ending Variable n=5 # Declaring The While Loop while(i<=n): ย # Printing The Statement ย print("I Love Codingzap!!") ย # Increasing The Condition ย i=i+1
Steps Of The Program:
1. First, we have declared two variables. One acts as the starting variable & another acts as the ending
2. Now, the while loop declaration is done and the condition is applied there. The condition is when the
starting variable will be less than or equal to the ending variable the loop will be executed.
3. Now, inside the loop, some statement is declared. And the starting variable is increased with one.
4. In this way, at one point in time, the starting variable will become more than the ending variable.
That will make the condition false & the loop will be finished.
Letโs look at the output of the above code. Hence, we come to know how to use the While loop in Python.
From the above output, we can see the statement is printed six times. That means the loop was executed six
times before getting a false condition. The loop gets finished automatically, so it is not one infinite loop.
How To Implement Loop In Python Using For Loop?
For loop provides a method to reduce the work pressure. For loop comes with a method which is known as the range().
The range () method is used to combine the starting variable & ending variable. This method takes two arguments. One is the starting variable & another is the ending variable. Suppose, if we write the method as the range(0, n), then the starting value of the loop is 0 & ending value of the loop is n-1.
Here, there is no need to increment & decrement the value of the starting point. The range () method will do those automatically.
Letโs take a For Loop Python example.
# Declaring The Ending Variable n=5 # Starting For Loop Till The Ending Point for i in range (0,n): ย # Printing The Statement ย print("Codingzap Is Great!!")
Steps Of The Program:
1. First, we have provided the end variable value in the program. It is needed to get the range of the
numbers for iteration. From starting zero index to the end variable five value, the loop will iterate.
2. Now, the implementation of for loop will be done along with a third variable. The variable will be
used to get each iteration number.
3. Inside that loop, one random statement is declared.
Letโs look at the output of the above code. Hence, we come to know For loop Python example.
We can see the statement is printed five times. Because, from the starting index 0 to the ending index 4
(ending value 5 will become 4 by reducing one), a total of 5 iterations is executed. And in each case, it will
print the statement.
How To Implement Loop In Python Using For Each Loop?
Each loop in Python is another way to implement the loop. It is the easiest loop in Python. It is mostly used for the iteration of Strings & Lists. This way is quite different from the traditional For loop. As there is no range() method present here.
Instead of range(), we use a variable that acts as a picking element. It will pick every element from the String or the List. Then it will print every element there in every line.
General Syntax: for variable-name in string-name
Letโs take an example to demonstrate the For Each Loop.
# Declaring The String s='Codingzap' # Starting For Each Loop for ele in s: ย # Printing Every Element Of String print(ele)
Steps Of The Program:
1. One string variable is declared inside the program.
2. Now, the for each loop will be implemented. For that, one variable is used before the keyword โinโ.
And the name of the string is used after the keyword โinโ.
3. Now, the variable will be printed. It will create a loop & it will execute until it reaches the end
element of the string variable.
Letโs look at the output of the above code. Hence, we come to know how to use For Each loop in Python.
As we saw using loops in Python is a very important topic.
It will help in the future when you will move to the bigger & more difficult questions.
Also, it helps to reduce the calculation difficulties in a certain programming language. If you’re looking for help in other programming languages like Java, C++ then you can check out our article on “How To Print An Array In Java?“
So, hope you have liked this piece of article. Share your thoughts in the comments section and let us know if we can improve more.