Top 10 Online Resources For Programming Students to Learn How to Code

Online Resources For Programming Students to Learn How to Code

Are you looking for ‘resources for programming students?’ Do you want to learn programming but do not know what are the best resources to get started? 

Do not be stressed! We have the list of the top resources you need in 2023 as a programming student. 

We live in a world where everything we need is at the tip of our fingers. Want to know the recipe for that cheesecake you had a week back? What about the book you saw in a stranger’s hand? 

Just a few taps can access everything. Wonderful, right? 

Ever wondered how it works? There is always a tech guy behind every screen you interact with. 

In case, you’re facing difficulties in doing your coding homework, you know you can pay someone to do programming homework and excel in your programming coursework.

What if I tell you that you can also create such wonders using technology? How? Using the power of Coding!

But why should you learn how to code? Is it necessary to do programming? Let’s see!

Why Should Students Learn Programming?

Digitization has taken over the world and it is vital to embrace technological advancements to keep up with the innovations and trends. Programming skills are highly important in such an era. 

Students Learn Programming

For students, coding is a great skill to possess. There is a vast array of career options for programmers and coders. Be it software development, artificial intelligence, data analytics, or data science, tech talent is in high demand. 

Moreover, programming enhances your problem-solving skills as well. As it requires logical reasoning and algorithmic thinking to help you break down complicated problems into smaller and simpler parts. 

In addition, coding also provides you space to think freely and innovate, resulting in boosting your creativity and helping your personal growth as well.

Now, let us have a look at what are some of the best tools or resources for programming students.

What Resources Do You Need For Coding? A Guide!

So, now that we have decided to develop our programming skills, the next step is to find the top resources to help you enter the world and understand what programming is all about. So, let us find out!

Resources for Programming Students

There are plenty of resources online that you can easily access. In this section, we will look into each one of these resources to find out what is the best resource for you. Why wait here? Let us get started!

  • Online Educational Platforms

Online educational platforms are one of the top resources for programming students who have just kickstarted their programming journey. Most learning platforms provide self-paced programming courses so that you can learn according to your schedule. 

Other benefits of online educational platforms are that they provide you with diverse content and focus on interactive learning. You can also earn a certification on successful completion of a course or program. 

Let us have a look at three such amazing online educational platforms. 

1. Coursera – 

It is one of the most popular online learning platforms for programming and other skills. With a wide range of diverse courses and certifications, Coursera offers a variety of options for students to get started with their coding journey and get certified as well.

2. Udemy –  

Udemy is another great choice if you are looking for an online learning platform as a resource for learning programming. Select from thousands of programming courses and get lifetime access to the course materials, quizzes, assignments, etc. 

Udemy offers courses that are taught by experts and industry professionals. So, you can also gain some insights from their teachings to enhance your learning process.

3. Codecademy – 

Get hands-on learning experience in programming at Codeacademy, curated for beginners and intermediate learners. It provides an interactive learning environment through coding exercises, quizzes, and projects. 

You can get access to both free and paid courses on the platform. The predefined learning tracks provided by Codecademy helps the students and learners to follow the correct roadmap to developing skills for their career as well. 

  • Online Coding Platforms

Well, it is true that “practice makes you perfect!” The same is also applicable to programming and coding. 

The more you practice, the more you learn!

Do not just write simple code like creating a scientific calculator, work on problems based on real life and use logic to write code to solve the problems. 

But where can you get all these problems to practice? Well, the internet is an awesome place for this. 

Online coding platform resources for programming students allow them to solve beginner-friendly to expert-level problems. 

You may encounter problems related to data structures and algorithms and dynamic programming as well. These are really helpful in understanding how to build your own logic and approach to solving problems. 

Below are the 3 most-liked coding platforms having a vast set of coding problems for students and developers. Check them out!

1. HackerRank

HackerRank is among the best online coding platforms that are on our list of resources for programming students. Here, students can practice programming in various languages like Python, C/C++, Ruby, SQL, and more. 

You can also solve problems to get your skill certification, earn badges, and build your programming profile. You may also share your HackerRank profile with recruiters as well. Isn’t it great?

2. LeetCode

LeetCode is a more advanced online coding platform. If you want to strengthen your data structures and algorithms skills, then LeetCode is the best choice for you. 

Select from thousands of problems ranging from easy to hard level. If you get stuck, you can always look for hints or post about it in the discussion forums. 

3. CodeChef

Another most liked online coding platform is Code Chef. It is a competitive programming platform that helps programmers to improve their coding skills, practice, and participate in various contests. 

CodeChef organizes various monthly long challenges like ‘Cook-off’ and ‘Lunchtime’, where, programmers can test their programming skills in real-time against one another. You can also attempt certification examinations to add credibility to your profile. 

  • Forums and Communities

Have you ever found yourself stuck at a problem? Have you encountered a bug that you just cannot get rid of in your code? 

How many times have you thought, ‘If only someone could help me understand this?’ Well, programming communities are here for you!

Connect with your fellow developers across the globe and ask any query you have or simply explore more in the technology you are interested in. Want to know another benefit of forums and communities? 

You get to build your network and also collaborate and grow in the process! Let us look at some of the platforms where you can find programming communities!

1. Stack Overflow – 

Stack Overflow is one of the most widely used community platforms. It serves as a question and answer website where technology enthusiasts, programming students, and developers can ask questions and get them answered by buddying programmers. 

If you look up an error from your code on Google, there is a high chance that you will land on this platform. It allows community engagement and encourages participation from the users. 

You can also earn badges based on your contribution on the website! Fun, right?

2. GitHub

GitHub is another popular platform used by programmers worldwide. It is a version control system and does more than that!

It is a place where programmers can collaborate and work on projects parallelly. You can also contribute to open-source projects and make your own Github repositories to showcase your projects and works. 

Having the knowledge of Git and GitHub is a must for programming students So, build your profile on the platform and explore further!

3. Reddit – 

Next on our list is…Reddit! This platform provides students with an interactive and inclusive environment to build connections, share ideas, and gain knowledge all in one place.

Just join a subreddit related to the programming domain you are interested in or inclined toward and get to meet like-minded people! With Reddit, you can ask questions, engage in the community, learn, and grow.

Additional Resources for Programming Students in 2023

Do you want to know about more resources for programming students? Do not miss out on the following resources as coding enthusiasts! So, without much talking, let us dive in!

Resources for Programming Students

Below are 4 bonus resources for you that will help you learn more about programming and coding. Let us check them out as well!

GeeksForGeeks is one of the most popular computer science platforms. It is an online learning platform where you can read blogs, practice code and watch tutorials about programming and other computer science subjects.

Here, you can get a detailed explanation of the topics related to programming along with sample programs. Be it data structures and algorithms, concepts of object-oriented programming, database management, or programming language concepts, you can find anything here!

Believe it or not, YouTube is a great resource for programming students…And the best part is that it is FREE!

You can get access to thousands and thousands of videos related to programming in your preferred language. There are a lot of channels for programming and computer science. 

Whether you want to understand the concept of a programming language or want to explore how to work on a programming project, you can find every type of content on the platform. Isn’t it great?  

ChatGPT is an open-source AI Tool that can prove to be a great resource for programming students. It is a text-based AI tool that can provide you with guidance related to your code. 

It can help you formulate a roadmap for your programming journey, give a detailed summary of a programming topic, and provide you assistance by also giving you code snippets and examples. 

Medium is an online publishing platform where you can publish articles, blog posts, and other content for a large audience to see. 

For programming students, the medium provides you with in-depth blogs written by developers, professionals, and industry experts as well. You can get valuable insights from these blog posts. 

You can also get access to a step-by-step guide on programming topics and projects, and even publish your own articles about technology!


By now, I hope that you know enough resources for programming students to get started with your coding journey and create your own innovations. Do not forget that these resources will only provide you with the right path and knowledge. Maintain consistency and be resilient to excel in programming! 

In case you require any assistance with coding or programming homework assignments, you can also check out CodingZap’s top-notch services. So, visit our website today! 

Hire Top-rated Experts now at CodingZap

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